Hydraenium - Etymology

Hydrae: Hydra - the mythical dragon which poses multiple heads with regeneration capabilities. This represents the unique architecture of Hydraenium, where there are multiple Kernels (Heads) and same file system (Body). This also resembles with the intelligent design to recreate the a replica in case of crash or any malfunction.

Nium: is added to represent the Kernel splitting which is similar to Nuclear Fission.

Concept of Hyper-Hybrid Cloud

Hyper-Hybrid Cloud is a DevOps paradigm where Hyper-Cloud means - Multi-Cloud, Hybrid Cloud means Cloud + on prem servers.

Hence, when a resource such as Server, or Load-Balancer or any other cloud resource natively supports deployment and migration capabilities on multiple cloud or/and on-prem servers it is said to follow the Hyper-Hybrid Cloud paradigms.

Vision - The Open Cloud Network

What is Open Cloud?

We define, Open Cloud Network as a network of connected servers not governed or maintained by any organization. An open network of computes where any data center or computer can join to become a server and start hosting applications.

The most promising feature is that an open cloud network will have thousands of locations and the network will intelligently and automatically balance application hosting to optimise latency, cost, and guarantee an absolute 100% uptime.

Possibilities of Open Cloud

Open Cloud Network will be a reality by the end of this decade. It will provide possibilities which will open different avenues in cloud domain:

  • An intelligent network capable to intelligently managing the traffic and deployments.
  • A drastic drop in cloud expense.
  • New and independent micro data centers emerging across the globe.
  • More advanced but simpler DevOps approach to handle deployments.

Why did we build Hydraenium?

On cloud, the most basic unit of compute is a VM. A VM can be used to host databases, caches, load-balancers, DNS etc. Hence we started with building a VM which can be the backbone of the entire Open Cloud Network.

For open cloud to be successful, it was important to have a cloud VM which can exist on multiple cloud and on on-prem servers which can be migrated from one cloud platform to another. Such that the network can leverage multiple locations and an guarantee an absolute 100% uptime.

How does Hydraenium help for Open Cloud Network?

Hydraenium by default follows the paradigms for Hyper-Hybrid Cloud. As the technology matures and the remaining gaps are filled-in, it can easily co-exist on multiple data centers at the same time allowing it to be a compute for Open Cloud Network.

Hydraenium solves - scaling immediately, multiple compute issue, migration, and co-existing on multiple-cloud at the same time. This clubbed together is enough to give the first version of Open Cloud Network.

The Team

Tuhin Sengupta

Tuhin is responsible for all the R&D in developing Hydraenium technology.

Binayaka Chakraborty

Binayaka is responsible for building and maintaining Hydraoid Architecture and APIs.

Veer S Shrivastav

Veer is responsible product research, building strategy and managing community.